Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Truely Awesome...

It's my last cooool morning in IIT, New Delhi.. It's Wednesday today and again the same cool chilled morning with the sun rays trying to peirce into the fogs and enter my room. It feels so nice and I really feel to go for a morning walk in such a plesant climate. But my body has become so lazy to get down from the second floor and go for a walk and come back climbing two floors, that I'm enjoying the beauty of nature by standing here in balcony of my room. :-)

What a wonderful picturesque scenary it is..?? Birds chirping and singing a melodeous song to make this nature more beautiful in the early morining.. The dew drops on the tip of the leafs, reflecting the sun rays makes it appear like a diamond.. All this combination makes the lighting effect mother earth so wonderful.. All the roads, vehicles and trees are wet due to dew.. Even in such a cold climate, I can see few peoples (IIT Professors probably) having a nice morning walks along with their pets (dogs).. Of course, they are enjoying their morning walk and I am enjoying myself standing in the balcony and playing cigarette-cigarette.. :-)

Now don't ask me what is cigarette-cigarette.. It's a very old game, played from my childhood.. It really feels awesome here to experience such a pleasant, cool morning... Truely Awesome..

Take care friends and have a nice day ahead... :-)

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