Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry X'mas and Happy New Year.. :)

"Jingle bell, Jingle bell, Jingle all the way......"

Wish you all a Merry X'mas. Those winter days have come again where all small kids are gifted with lots of sweets and gifts. This year my Christmas celebration was simply awesome. Full day was sitting in front of the computer, in my office. Yesterday was Saturday, 26th December 2009. Saturday is usually half day working for us. I left from office at around 3 O'clock, came to my room, cleaned my room and washed clothes. By the time, I finished washing clothes, it was almost 7.30 evening. Then got into full action of preparing dinner. Cooking when one is staying alone also brings so much of joy.. Its un-expressable..:-) One has to experience it personally.

Today I was supposed to go to my grandmother's place. But before going there I had to finish some work in office. So I went to office and completed my work. When I was going back to my grandmother's place, I felt like my mental balance has gone down. I was feeling low. I don't know what, why and how.?? But I was feeling very low. My room mate has gone to Goa to attend his friends marriage. So I was all alone. I just got down half the way, and entered into a shopping mall. Saw that there was a movie named "3 idiots" running on the top floor. I straight away went and booked a ticket for myself. It was 11.30AM and the movie was supposed to start at 1.30PM. So I just kept on Wandering here and there till 12.30PM.. Had food and went back to watch the movie.

"3 Idiots".. Aamir khan has rocked once again with his mindblowing performance in this movie. After watching this movie, I was fully recharged. While watching movie I recalled my college days along with my two close friends Parag and Saikat. It was really nice during College Days. Simply awesome. When I came out of the cinema hall, I was very happy. My mind was still dancing on the music and Rhythm of the song "All izz well" from three idiots movie. I felt so nice that, after the movie got over, I again started wandering in the mall. People were still in mood of celebration of Christmas. Some small group of young boys and girls from some Radio channel, were conducting some games and shows for all age group of peoples. Everywhere I could see the Christmas trees, full decorated with various decorative items.

Small kids were running here and there, asking for their parents to buy them some fancy things. Couples were roaming with holding each others' hand. At that time I was in mood of having fun with my two other friends. I was missing them very badly. I thought that it would have been so nice if they had been here with me, at this very moment. I thought of calling them back, but I saw that my mobile battery if almost at the last stage and may die at any moment :) So i just kept mum and came back to room.

This movie is really cool and mind-blowing. Everyone please watch it. And yes,


Have a nice time with your near and dear ones. May this year give you and your family a lot of happiness and success.

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