Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Low Mood Is Not The Time To Analyze Your Life

In low moods we lose our perspective and everything seems urgent. We completely forget that when we are in a good mood, everything seems so much better. We experience the identical circumstances – who we are married to, where we work, the car we drive, our potential, our childhood – entirely differently, depending on our mood!

When we are low, rather than blaming our mood as would be appropriate, we instead tend to feel that our whole life is wrong. It’s almost as if we actually believe that our lives have fallen apart in the past hour or two.

The truth is, life is almost never as bad as it seems when you’re in a low mood. Rather than staying stuck in a bad temper, convinced you are seeing life realistically, you can learn to question your judgment. Remind yourself, “of course I’m feeling defensive (or angry, frustrated, stressed, depressed); I’m in a bad mood. I always feel negative when I’m low”.

When you’re in an ill mood, learn to pass it off as simply that: an unavoidable human condition that will pass with time, if you leave it alone. A low mood is not the time to analyze your life. To do so is emotional suicide. If you have a legitimate problem, it will still be there when your state of mind improves.

The trick is to be grateful for our good moods and graceful in our low moods not taking them too seriously.

The next time you feel low, for whatever reason, remind yourself, “This too shall pass.” It will.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Winner Never Quits!

In 1962, four nervous young musicians played their first record audition for the executives of the Decca Recording Company. The executives were not impressed. While turning down this group of musicians, one executive said, "We don't like their sound. Guitars are on the way out." The group was called The Beatles.

When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he tried over 2000 experiments before he got it to work. A young reporter asked him how it felt to fail so many times. He said, "I never failed once. I invented the light bulb. It just happened to be a 2000-step process."

Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children. She was born prematurely and her survival was doubtful. When she was 4 years old, she contacted double pneumonia and scarlet fever, which left her with a paralyzed left leg. At age 9, she removed the metal leg brace she had been dependent on and began to walk without it. By 13 she had developed rhythmic walk, which doctors said was a miracle. That same year she decided to become a runner. She entered a race and came in last. For the next few years every race she entered, she came in last. Everyone told her to quit, but she kept on running. One day she actually won a race. And then another. From then on she won every race she entered. Eventually this little girl, who was told she would never walk again, went on to win three Olympic gold medals.

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved.

You gain strength, experience and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face. And remember, the finest steel gets sent through the hottest furnace. A winner is not one who never fails, but one who NEVER QUITS IN LIFE.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Modern Panchtantra Story [ IT HUMOR ]

Once upon a time, there was a software engineer who used to develop programs on his Pentium machine, sitting under a tree on the banks of a river. He used to earn his bread by selling those programs in the Sunday market.

One day, while he was working, his machine tumbled off the table and fell in the river. Encouraged by the Panchatantra story of his childhood (the woodcutter and the axe) He started praying to the River Goddess. The River Goddess wanted to test him and so appeared only after one month of rigorous prayers. The engineer told her that he had lost his computer in the river. As usual, the Goddess wanted to test his honesty. She showed him a match box and asked, "Is this your computer ?"

Disappointed by the Goddess' lack of computer awareness, the engineer replied, " No."

She next showed him a pocket-sized calculator and asked if that was his.
Annoyed, the engineer said "No, not at all !!"

Finally, she came up with his own Pentium machine and asked if it was his.
The engineer, left with no option, sighed and said "Yes."

The River Goddess was happy with his honesty. She was about to give him all three items, but before she could make the offer, the engineer asked her, "Don't you know that you're supposed to show me some better computers before bringing up my own ?"

The River Goddess, angered at this, replied, "I know that, you stupid donkey! The first two things I showed you were the Trillennium and the Billennium, the latest computers from IBM !". So saying, she disappeared with the Pentium!!

Moral>> If you're not up-to-date with technology trends, it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're a genius than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Drinking Enough Water?

Water is an important structural component of skin cartilage, tissues and organs. For human beings, every part of the body is dependent on water. Our body comprises about 75% water: the brain has 85%, blood is 90%, muscles are 75%, kidney is 82% and bones are 22% water. The functions of our glands and organs will eventually deteriorate if they are not nourished with good, clean water.

The average adult loses about 2.5 litres water daily through perspiration, breathing and elimination. Symptoms of the body's deterioration begins to appear when the body loses 5% of its total water volume. In a healthy adult, this is seen as fatigue and general discomfort, whereas for an infant, it can be dehydrating. In an elderly person, a 5% water loss causes the body chemistry to become abnormal, especially if the percentage of electrolytes is overbalanced with sodium. One can usually see symptoms of aging, such as wrinkles, lethargy and even disorientation.

Continuous water loss over time will speed up aging as well as increase risks of diseases.

If your body is not sufficiently hydrated, the cells will draw water from your bloodstream, which will make your heart work harder. At the same time, the kidneys cannot purify blood effectively. When this happens, some of the kidney's workload is passed on to the liver and other organs, which may cause them to be severely stressed. Additionally, you may develop a number of minor health conditions such as constipation, dry and itchy skin, acne, nosebleeds, urinary tract infection, coughs, sneezing, sinus pressure, and headaches.

So, how much water is enough for you? The minimum amount of water you need is 2-3 liters everyday.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Why Me?

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of AIDS. From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?

To this Arthur Ashe replied: The world over

5 Crore children start playing tennis,

50 Lakh learn to play tennis,

5 Lakh learn professional tennis,

50,000 come to the circuit,

5000 reach the grand slam,

50 reach Wimbledon,

4 to semi final,

2 to the finals,

When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD "Why me?"

And today in pain I should not be asking GOD "Why me?"

Be thankful to God for 98% of good things in life.


Speech by Chetan Bhagat at Symbiosis

Don't just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a
balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before successful.
Balanced means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace are
all in good order.

There is no point of getting a promotion on the day of your breakup.
There is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts. Shopping is not
enjoyable if your mind is full of tensions.

"Life is one of those races in nursery school where you have to run
with a marble in a spoon kept in your mouth. If the marble falls,
there is no point coming first. Same is with life where health and
relationships are the marble. Your striving is only worth it if there
is harmony in your life. Else, you may achieve the success, but this
spark, this feeling of being excited and alive will start to die.

One thing about nurturing the spark - don't take life seriously.
Life is not meant to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary
here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity. If we are
lucky, we may last another 50 years. And 50 years is just 2,500
weekends. Do we really need to get so worked up? ......

It's ok, bunk a few classes, scoring low in couple of papers, goof
up a few interviews, take leave from work, fall in love, little fights
with your spouse. We are people, not programmed devices........." :)

"Don't be serious, be sincere."!! .

Sunday, February 14, 2010

90/10 principle

10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how
you react. What does this mean?

We really have no control over 10% of what happens to us. We cannot stop the
car from breaking down. A driver may cut us off in traffic. We have no
control over this 10%. You determine the other 90%. How? By your reaction.

You cannot control a red light, but you can control your reaction. Don't let
people fool you; YOU can control how you react. Let's use an example.

You are eating breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over a cup
of milk onto your business shirt. You have no control over what just
happened. What happens next will be determined by how you react. You curse. You
harshly scold your daughter. She breaks down in tears. After scolding her,
you turn to your wife and criticize her for placing the cup too close to the
edge of the table. You storm upstairs and change your shirt. Back
downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish
breakfast and get ready for school. She misses the bus.

You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school. After a 15-minute
delay you arrive at school. After arriving at the office 20 minutes late,
you find you forgot your briefcase. When you arrive home, you find small
wedge in your relationship with your wife and daughter.

Why? Because of how you reacted in the morning. Why did you have a bad day?

A) Did the cup of hot milk cause it?
B) Did your daughter cause it?
C) Did you cause it?

The answer is “C".

You really do not have any control over 10% of what happens. The other 90%
was determined by your reaction. A wrong reaction could result in losing a
friend, getting stressed out etc.

The 90-10 principle is incredible. Very few know and apply this principle.
The result? Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials,
problems and heartache. Next time you react to any situation, remember the
90-10 principle.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Good Ideas Are Not The Monopoly Of The Educated

A lady bought some bathing soaps from a shop. When she opened one of the packets, she found that it was empty. There was no soap in there; it was just an empty wrapper! She lodged a complaint against the manufacturer and got her claim. That being settled, there was a task before the management of the soap factory. How had this happened? How could they ensure that the incident did not occur again? They had suffered enough bad publicity besides having to pay the compensation to the lady.

After a detailed investigation, it was discovered, that during the process of wrapping, it so happened that inevitably, one or two wrappers did get through, having no bar of soap in them! There was no way to make out the difference between a full wrapper and an empty one. The process of handling each one separately for this purpose seemed to be very cumbersome. So, the technical head was given the job of devising a method to overcome the problem. The man prepared a detailed report and proposed the setting up of a computer based system that would weigh and scan each bar, for the empty packs would not get detected by a normal x-ray machine. He proposed an expenditure of a large amount to put this system into place.

The management heard him out and passed the order to release the funds and to buy the machinery that he had proposed. An uneducated worker said, “Excuse me Sir, for my impertinence, but I have a solution that shall cost a fraction of what you are planning to go in for.”

The management hesitated initially. But eventually they heard him out and agreed to try out his proposal. The next day, the worker brought a strong industrial fan. He put it at an angle near the conveyor belt on which the packed soap bars were coming through and switched it on. The few empty wrappers that came through got blown off by the fan! The rest of them went past easily.

A simple solution, for a complex problem! This goes to prove that ideas are not the monopoly of the educated.

Forgiving Others Is The Best Attitude To Take

A kindergarten teacher decided to let her class play a game. The teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag containing a few potatoes. Each potato will be given a name of a person that the child hates, so the number of potatoes that a child will put in his/her plastic bag will depend on the number of people he/she hates.

So when the day came, every child brought some potatoes with the name of the people he/she hated. Some had 2 potatoes; some 3 while some up to 5 potatoes.

The teacher then told the children to carry with them the potatoes in the plastic bag wherever they go (even to the toilet) for one week. Days after days passed by, and the children started to complain due to the unpleasant smell let out by the rotten potatoes. Besides, those having 5 potatoes also had to carry heavier bags. After one week, the children were relieved because the game had finally ended.

The teacher asked: "How did you feel while carrying the potatoes with you for one week?" The children let out their frustrations and started complaining of the trouble that they had to go through having to carry the heavy and smelly potatoes wherever they go.

Then the teacher told them the hidden meaning behind the game. The teacher said: "This is exactly the situation when you carry your hatred for somebody inside your heart. The stench of hatred will contaminate your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot tolerate the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you imagine what is it like to have the stench of hatred in your heart for your lifetime???"

Throw away any hatred for anyone from your heart. Forgiving others is the best attitude to take!

Warm Regards

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Look Beyond Behavior

Have you ever heard yourself, or someone else, say: "Don't mind, he didn't know what he was doing"? If so, you have been exposed to the wisdom of "looking beyond behavior."

While dealing with children, we all know very well the importance of - simple act of forgiveness. If we all based our love on children's behavior, it would often be difficult to love them at all. If love were based purely on behavior, then perhaps none of us would ever have been loved as a teenager!

Wouldn't it be nice if we could try to extend this same loving-kindness toward everyone we meet? Wouldn't we live in a more loving community if, when someone acted in a way that we didn't approve of, we could see their actions in a similar light as our teenager's bad behavior?

This doesn't mean that we walk around and pretend that everything is always wonderful, allow others to "walk all over us," or that we excuse or approve of negative behavior. Instead, it simply means having the perspective to give others the benefit of the doubt.

Know that when your assistant is moving slowly, he is probably having a bad day, or perhaps all of his days are bad. Looking beyond behavior gives us the perspective to not get upset and disappointed with every bad behavior of others.

Rakesh Patil

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday time..

It's a day when all our friends and family members, remember and send their wishes. The day when you get lots of surprises. The day when you get lots of sweets. The day which is celebrated in the remembrance of the day on which you cried for the very first time. Yes it's the day, when you had born. BIRTHDAY. From last 6 years continuously, my birthday is being celebrated in such a way, that these 6 birthday celebrations are memorable and I still keep cherishing those fantastic moments. Every year it was a different type of celebration with different types of surprises.

This year was also a bit different and memorable one. The gifts started pouring the very previous day of my birthday itself. With lots of work pressure, I was working in my office, when our receptionist came and informed me, that there is a gift parcel for you. I asked her to reconfirm whether it is for me or to someone else, because I had not given my office address to anyone and was not expecting any mails or parcels other than some official, or bank related stuffs. She said, "It is to Mr. Rakesh Patil, from Environ Softwares Pvt. Ltd."

I was like taken back for a moment, thinking what parcel it might be and who might have sent it? I told her to keep it, i'll collect it later. She said OK. Then I tried to concentrate on my work. But the parcel was distracting me. So, i left my work and went to the reception desk, got the parcel to my desk. It was a real big surprise for me when I saw the sender's address. It had come from Goa. It was no one other then my sweet sister and my Jiju. I immediately teared apart the gift cover, and found a nice piece of shirt in my hand. Well, here I want to make one point. For most of my birthdays I'm getting a same color of various shades of same color shirt. I am still trying to solve this mystery.. ;-) It was a birthday gift for me. At that time I came to know that the next day is 29th January, my birthday. I was very happy. I thought of calling them immediately and thank them both. But, I stopped myself thinking that, anyhow tomorrow they'll be calling me, so why should I call? ;) Then I continued with my work.

One of my friend called Keerthi Laxmi, told me that she wanted to discuss something after dinner, so dont sleep. I came to know that this girl wants to wish me on my birthday so telling me simply all these stuffs. So just to pull her legs, I said I'm very tired, whatever you want to tell, tell now itself. After so much of argument, she finally wished me my birthday(advance wishes). This girl, even after being the first one to wish me through SMS, kept on wishing the next day. I guess she might have wished more than 20 times. Anyways, I had actually scheduled my plan to sleep early that night. But somehow I was forced to be awake till 11.00. And later when I was just about to doze off... zz.zzzz.zzzzzzz, my mobile started shouting on top of its voice. At that point I realized, it is 0000 hrs of 29th January. It was a call from one of my close friend, Saikat. He wished me and disconnected immediately asking me to sleep. Just after that, Haresh from Goa called and we spoke for around 10 minutes. After that I got a call from Rajita and Kavitesh. All the time while speaking to my friends, one of my office colleague and new friend, named Shankar, was watching 3 idiots. He also wished me on my birthday.

29th Morning I woke up early and had bath. Asked Shankar also to get ready early. Then we went to temple and straight to office. That day my boss was supposed to leave to Goa. So he was busy preparing some official documents and all. I went and gave him sweets, then I gave sweets to everyone. Sir left office at 11.00 and then I was free to recieve calls. As soon as sir left, Lavanya handed over my hands a BIIIGGGG box, beautifully packed with gift paper. I asked her, "Whats inside?" She didn't reply anything and wished me. At the same time, Girish also wished. I was very eager to open it and see. As my boss wasn't there, I opened it then and there throwing bits of papers down on the floor.. :-) First I opened a gift paper. I was confused to see the box of Pressure Cooker. For a friction of second, I thought, that like previous year, this time also, this guys might give me some dummy gift.

Last year, I had been given a baby feeding bottle as a dummy gift, packed in a TATA Sky setup box.:-) It was a real fun. Then Slowly I opened the box and was very happy to see the Bag. I was very very very happy. I was so happy that, I don't know how many times I said "thank you" to them. Girish told me to Open and check the bag properly. I thought he might be telling to check if any fault is there in bag, and so I said, "It's OK". Then Lavanya said, "Some more things are there inside the bag. So Open and see."

I opened first zip of the bag, and found it was my favourite Fruit 'N' Nut choclate. Then she told me, "It's my idea to keep something inside and give. So Gourish had put something or the other in each pocket of the Bag." Now this was a big surprise. He had arranged everything and gone to Goa. Total all together, 2 5-stars, 1 dairy milk, 1 Fruit-'N'Nut and 3 busicuits packets were there. And those busicuits were also of my likes. I just thought that Gourish had thoroughly studied my likes and dislikes. First, the bag color and design. It was fantastic. Next, my favourite choclate, next my favourite Busicuit. Superb planning. I gave two choclates and to Lavanya and asked her to give it to her son. Then distributed remaining eatables to all other office employees. Then, full day was on mobiles. Attending calls after calls. Then evening after office hours, went to a nearby hotel, and gave dinner party to my office members and neighbours. Overall, it was really a nice day. And the day went nice, all because of my family and friend's love and wishes. Thanks a lot and may god keeps them all happy forever.