Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry X'mas and Happy New Year.. :)

"Jingle bell, Jingle bell, Jingle all the way......"

Wish you all a Merry X'mas. Those winter days have come again where all small kids are gifted with lots of sweets and gifts. This year my Christmas celebration was simply awesome. Full day was sitting in front of the computer, in my office. Yesterday was Saturday, 26th December 2009. Saturday is usually half day working for us. I left from office at around 3 O'clock, came to my room, cleaned my room and washed clothes. By the time, I finished washing clothes, it was almost 7.30 evening. Then got into full action of preparing dinner. Cooking when one is staying alone also brings so much of joy.. Its un-expressable..:-) One has to experience it personally.

Today I was supposed to go to my grandmother's place. But before going there I had to finish some work in office. So I went to office and completed my work. When I was going back to my grandmother's place, I felt like my mental balance has gone down. I was feeling low. I don't know what, why and how.?? But I was feeling very low. My room mate has gone to Goa to attend his friends marriage. So I was all alone. I just got down half the way, and entered into a shopping mall. Saw that there was a movie named "3 idiots" running on the top floor. I straight away went and booked a ticket for myself. It was 11.30AM and the movie was supposed to start at 1.30PM. So I just kept on Wandering here and there till 12.30PM.. Had food and went back to watch the movie.

"3 Idiots".. Aamir khan has rocked once again with his mindblowing performance in this movie. After watching this movie, I was fully recharged. While watching movie I recalled my college days along with my two close friends Parag and Saikat. It was really nice during College Days. Simply awesome. When I came out of the cinema hall, I was very happy. My mind was still dancing on the music and Rhythm of the song "All izz well" from three idiots movie. I felt so nice that, after the movie got over, I again started wandering in the mall. People were still in mood of celebration of Christmas. Some small group of young boys and girls from some Radio channel, were conducting some games and shows for all age group of peoples. Everywhere I could see the Christmas trees, full decorated with various decorative items.

Small kids were running here and there, asking for their parents to buy them some fancy things. Couples were roaming with holding each others' hand. At that time I was in mood of having fun with my two other friends. I was missing them very badly. I thought that it would have been so nice if they had been here with me, at this very moment. I thought of calling them back, but I saw that my mobile battery if almost at the last stage and may die at any moment :) So i just kept mum and came back to room.

This movie is really cool and mind-blowing. Everyone please watch it. And yes,


Have a nice time with your near and dear ones. May this year give you and your family a lot of happiness and success.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

College Days - Happy Days, Sweet Days

A very big Play Ground.. Students playing various games over there.. N - number of bikes parked at parking lot.. Few couples siting here and there.. Some group of teenage boys and girls running up and down making fun of each others.. It's just morning time around say 8.45.. Students still hanging outside, but within the campus, instead of attending the lectures.. Yes, I'm speaking about the college life..

How many of you'll have experienced this..?? Just you are late one day and enter into the campus through college gate.. And you come across this situation.. What would you have done in this case..?? Join some of your friends in games or have fun with them..?? Or simply ignore them and go straight to attend the classes..?? Well, i would frankly prefer the first option.. :) How many of you'll have bunked the lectures and kept hiding with a fear of being caught by the professor whose lecture was bunked..?? How many of you'll have bunked lectures and gone to watch a movie..?? Or gone out for a date with boy friend/girl friend..?? Sounds silly right..??? :)

Those college days were simply awesome and wonderful.. Yesterday was my best friends birthday.. I wished her the previous day night at 12.00.. Later on my other two best friends from college time called me and spoke with me in conference for more than half an hour.. All those nice time spent together, came back in my mind as flashback..

College life is simply too good.. I still remember my very first day in my college where all new faces was there.. And somewhere in that crowd of new faces, i found somewhere in the corner few familiar faces.. With full enthusiasm and determination of becoming a professional graduate, students join the college.. Within a short amount of time they come very close to each other.. We make many friends in college, out of which only few relations become strong and remains forever.. Such friendship relations are very rare to find..

Within no time, you become "many" from "one".. Say a group of 10 or 15 friends.. Then the main fun starts.. Quarrel among two groups starts.. The boys in the friend circle start their job:) At that point of time, their goal temporarily changes.. Eyes, mind, heart all start concentrating on beautiful girls.. :) The most silliest thing (I feel it was silly now at this point of time) I still think of all the stupid acts we used to do to get attention of girls, and laugh on our stupidity.. Bunking lectures, asking friend to put attendance, taking friend's bike and going for a ride was most common thing..

Then comes the time of annual function, where there will be lots of inter class competition.. Each class used to come up with one one slogan.. If a candidate performing from any other class then, try to distract him/her so that he/she gets less score.. At the final day of the function, quarrel has to happen without any excuse between science and commerce streams.. But unity was good.. Whenever our college used to participate in any intercollegiate competition, all used to work in a group with unity..

Exams was the most boring and irritating thing during college days.. The things which we didn't learn or study from last 6 months, have to be finished within 1 week.. Sit day night and prepare.. Those combined studies. Helping friends during exams (not by copying).. Finally, at the end of college, the affection towards college, college staffs and professors makes one reluctant to walk away.. With lots of promises of being together and best wishes for future career and life, we all depart from each other..

Later on, time and conditions makes everyone so busy that, some forget their friend, some don't get time to contact their friends.. Life keeps going and so also do we keep going along with it.. And what remains back with us is the unforgettable and sweet sweet memories..

Kind Regards

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mother - Wonderful creation of GOD

Hello friends..

I'm back with my next article.. Bangaluru has also started experiencing a shivering cold.. Not as that as it was in Delhi.. But this cold also brings a great freshness early in the morning.. It gives a nice pleasure to have a really HOOOOTTTT water bath in Chillllliiing cold climate... This makes mind more fresh.. :)

Well, I was wondering why did I start this Blog.. Then I recalled that one of my friend motivated me saying that, "you write so nicely.. So why don't you start a blog..??" As a matter of fact, When he suggested me that, I was in mood of writing 'n' number of articles.. But I ended up writing only one.. :D Later on, same friend asked me, "when can I see next article on your blog.??" I said, "I'm not getting any topic.. Please suggest one..". So he suggested me few topics, among which I selected the topic on which I'm going to discuss today.. Actually, it's very common and many people speak on this topic.. But as we know every one has his/her way of perceiving things in this world.. So here I'm going to express my views..

God created this nature and named it Earth, and we refer it as mother earth. Every one knows the beauty of this mother earth. Similarly, everyone in his/her own life has a great personality named MOTHER. "Mother", "Maa", "Amaa", "Matra" all means the same. But the person who holds this title is of most importance. Most important than our life. She gives us life and throughout the life she follows us like a shadow, just to ensure that we wont fall in trouble. She has got tremendous amount of love and affection in her heart.

Listening to a small cry of her child, she immediately leaves all her work and runs towards the child to see whats the matter. Even if she is not good in singing, she sings a song to make her child sleep peacefully. After that only she sleeps. As the child grows older and starts going to school, she walks along with the child till the schools and waits at the gate till the school classes gets started and her child enters into classroom. She reaches 15 min before the school gets over to receive her child from school. This is true love and care of mother.

Even at home, if the food is less, she wont ever lets her child know that it is less. She makes sure that her child has taken sufficient food, and then if anything remains, she have it or else sleeps empty stomach just out of happiness that her child has eaten fully. Such a tender heart she has. When her child becomes blue, she is the one who will pick you up and gives some thoughts of wisdom and source of motivation.

Later on when her child completes education and gets a job, she is much more happier than her child. And if her son/daughter has got job somewhere else, then she feels very bad as she will have to get parted away from her own child. Sometimes she even cries in her loneliness. But she wont ever show her sadness and with a smiling face will send you off, with lots of wishes which should brighten your career in future.

At each and every second she will think about the well being of her child. If one day her son/daughter doesn't contacts her, then she gets into tension and calls you back just to find out whether you are safe or not. When you stay away from her, and if she comes to know that you cook food on your own, wash clothes on your own, without any intimation or permission, she immediately comes and helps you to concentrate properly on your career.

She always wants her son/daughter to be happy and achieve success at every point of life. Sometimes she even scolds out of anger. But that scolding we get just because she loves us and she doesn't want us to be in trouble by doing something wrong.

We are very much fortunate to have such a great personality in our life. It is very sad for them who do not have mother (or lost them). So according to me, one has to thank god everyday for giving us such fortune to have a nice, loving, caring and always ready to do anything for you mother. And should always pray for her well being. Being her son/daughter, one has to full-fill all her dreams and desires. The amount of happiness she gives us, we also must try to give her the same or more amount of happiness (even though its not possible, but one has to try.. :) )

Well, it's go more lengthier if i go on and on and on... I'll cut it off and wait for your comments guys..

Very good morning and have a nice day..

Take Care

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Truely Awesome...

It's my last cooool morning in IIT, New Delhi.. It's Wednesday today and again the same cool chilled morning with the sun rays trying to peirce into the fogs and enter my room. It feels so nice and I really feel to go for a morning walk in such a plesant climate. But my body has become so lazy to get down from the second floor and go for a walk and come back climbing two floors, that I'm enjoying the beauty of nature by standing here in balcony of my room. :-)

What a wonderful picturesque scenary it is..?? Birds chirping and singing a melodeous song to make this nature more beautiful in the early morining.. The dew drops on the tip of the leafs, reflecting the sun rays makes it appear like a diamond.. All this combination makes the lighting effect mother earth so wonderful.. All the roads, vehicles and trees are wet due to dew.. Even in such a cold climate, I can see few peoples (IIT Professors probably) having a nice morning walks along with their pets (dogs).. Of course, they are enjoying their morning walk and I am enjoying myself standing in the balcony and playing cigarette-cigarette.. :-)

Now don't ask me what is cigarette-cigarette.. It's a very old game, played from my childhood.. It really feels awesome here to experience such a pleasant, cool morning... Truely Awesome..

Take care friends and have a nice day ahead... :-)